Harborough rail users
Improving the quality of Market Harborough's rail service
Market Harborough in Bloom install restored luggage trolleys at station as part of planting scheme10/10/2022
East Midlands Railway (EMR) operate a Station Adoption scheme, whereby local individuals and community groups can ‘adopt’ their local station. The stated aim is ‘to create station environments that our customers and East Midlands Railway can be proud of’. Though largely aimed at the small unstaffed rural stations, it can apply to any station on the EMR network. Market Harborough station has been adopted by Market Harborough in Bloom, who maintain the award-winning decorative planting throughout the town centre from their base in Welland Park. Back in 2021, Market Harborough in Bloom, with the generous help of local people and businesses, restored the two old platform trolleys that used to support planting boxes on the platform at the old station. These had become totally derelict, having been pushed into the long grass while the platforms were rebuilt. See here for more on this. However, on 10th October 2022, they were installed at the station, to the right of the steps on the approach from the main car park and have been planted up with flowers. Some additional boxes in the style of traditional railway wagons have also been made and these will be placed on the other side of the steps. The intention is that these, and other planting around the station, will give our station a bit of a ‘lift’ by softening its rather functional appearance at platform level. Blooming marvellous: The two restored platform trolleys being installed at the station on 10th October by Market Harborough in Bloom volunteers. Photos: Steve Jones
November 2024